The Organizing Committee of the International Summer University: Greek Language, Culture, and Mass Media informs the participants in the program traveling to the United States that the European Health Insurance Card provided by EFKA for its insured members does not cover trips outside the European Union.
However, health insurance during trips to the United States is important, as the U.S. healthcare system can be quite costly.
As a result, the following recommendations are made:
To assist participants, the Organizing Committee has secured a 50% discount on the My Travel Complete travel insurance plan from Allianz for participants of the International Summer University: Greek Language, Culture, and Mass Media.
For more information:
Iliana Zourbaki
Distinguished Insurance Agent Coordinator, Allianz European Reliance
European Certified Financial Advisor (Eficert)
Dimetros 3 & Panathinaion, Marousi | T: 210 80 64 669 | M: 6977 24 14 02
Email: moc.liamtohobfsctd-3fa7ad@ikapmruozli
This insurance proposal is non-binding, provided for the convenience of participants, and the Organizing Committee has no other connection with the agency.
If any participant chooses to travel without travel insurance, it is a personal decision, and the program bears no responsibility for health-related coverage.