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The church service that morning can be found from this link, but MCC does not control that stream:
The Laboratory for the Study of Social Issues, Mass Media and Education of the Department of Early Childhood Education of School of Education of University of Ioannina, the Maliotis Cultural Center of the Hellenic College Holy Cross in Boston and the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), and with the participation by:
as well as other U.S. universities and institutions that will be announced shortly,
organize the 10th International Summer University “Greek language, culture, and mass media”. The project is scheduled to take place in Boston from May 28 to June 2, 2024, at the Cultural Hall of the Maliotis Cultural Center (located on the campus of Hellenic College Holy Cross at 50 Goddard Avenue) in Brookline.
The program will be held under the auspices and with the support of the General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The 10th International Summer University will have the special title:
Special Title
Τηλεοπτικό Σποτ
Στο φετινό τηλεοπτικό σποτ πρωταγωνιστεί ο πολύ γνωστός παρουσιαστής, Νίκος Αλιάγας, ο οποίος έχει διαγράψει σημαντική πορεία στη γαλλική τηλεόραση και έχει τιμηθεί με σημαντικά βραβεία τόσο στη Γαλλία όσο και στην Ελλάδα. Η τεχνική επεξεργασία έγινε από την εταιρεία κινηματογραφικών παραγωγών Production House, με επικεφαλής τον κ. Πάνο Μανωλίτση. Το τηλεοπτικό σποτ θα μεταδίδεται από την ΕΡΤ Δημόσια Ραδιοτηλεόραση, τον τηλεοπτικό σταθμό της Βουλής και σταθμούς της ομογένειας. Το ραδιοφωνικό σποτ θα μεταδίδεται από το Πρώτο Πρόγραμμα της ΕΡΤ και τον Real FM.
Η Οργανωτική Επιτροπή του 10ου Διεθνούς Θερινού Πανεπιστημίου απευθύνει προς όλους τους έμψυχους συντελεστές τις θερμότατες ευχαριστίες της για την ανιδιοτελή συμμετοχή και προσφορά.
This year’s TV spot stars the famous presenter, Nikos Aliagas, who has made a significant career in French television and has been honored with important awards both in France and in Greece. The technical editing was done by the film production company Production House, headed by Panos Manolitsis. The TV spot will be broadcast by Greek Public Radio and Television (ΕΡΤ), the TV station of the Greek Parliament and tv stations of the diaspora. The radio spot will be broadcast by ERT’s First Program and Real FM Radio in Greece.
The Organizing Committee of the 10th International Summer University extends warm thanks to all enthusiastic contributors for their selfless participation and contribution.
Since its inception, the event has received support as a communication sponsor from ERT, ERT 2, ERT3, ERT WORLD, the First Program 105.8, the Voice of Greece, and the Parliament Channel. Real FM, Real News, and real.gr, along with CNN GREECE, serve as media sponsors, as well. The project also benefits from communication sponsorship from diaspora media, including The National Herald, GreekReporter.com, and greeknewsusa.com. The project is additionally supported by several other institutions, and details about these supporters will be announced soon.
Interested individuals are encouraged to subscribe in the Youtube channel to receive timely updates on all the audiovisual material related to the program.
After 9 years of renowned success in organization, the ‘tradition’ of fostering extroversion and synergies with prominent international institutions in education, culture, and mass media continues. It is worth noting that the International Summer University “Greek language, culture, and mass media” has received support from esteemed institutions in the past. These institutions include the Harvard University Center for Hellenic Studies, the Hellenic Representation of the European Parliament, the Association of European Journalists (Greek department), the Orthodox Academy of Crete, the French Department of the Club de la Presse Européenne in Paris, the Centre Culturel Hellénique in Paris, the Instituto De Letras in Rio De Janeiro University, the Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts of Macquarie University, the Macquarie Greek Studies Foundation in Sydney, and many more.
What the program covers
The program is designed for undergraduate and graduate students, PhD graduates, educators, and it also welcomes some professionals with relevant interests within the framework of lifelong learning. It provides participants with certificates of attendance and educational material. Additionally, the program includes cultural activities while adhering to health safety protocols.
Professor Nikoletta Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, Professor of Linguistics and Greek Language at the Department of Early Childhood Education at the University of Ioannina and Harvard CHS – GR Associate, is the Founder and Scientific Coordinator of the Program. She is also responsible for the unit “Greek language, culture, and mass media” unit within the Social Issues, Mass Media, and Education Studies Laboratory st the Department of Early Childhood Education at the University of Ioannina.
Professor of University of Ioannina
email: rg.iouobfsctd-7a7c81@istin
Executive Director of Maliotis Cultural Center
email: ude.chchobfsctd-52040f@itnuokruokc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MCCatHCHC
Instagram: maliotisculturalcenter_of_hchc
Executive Director of Maliotis Cultural Center
email: ude.chchobfsctd-4d5668@itnuokruokc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MCCatHCHC
Instagram: maliotisculturalcenter_of_hchc